Women's@FLoC event by Microsoft - August 5
Unfortunately the registration is closed, we already reached our limit of free registrations. If you are interested put your name in the waiting list and we will try to have some extra space.
waiting list registration >>
Friday Aug 5th, 19:00 - 20:30 , Isabella restaurant
The Women's@FLoC dinner aims to connect women in the FLoC community, including researchers, developers, faculty, post-docs, and students.
It is intended to celebrate achievements, small and big, and provide a low-pressure atmosphere to foster building one’s support group.
In particular, we aim to:
Increase the feelings of community and belonging, especially among junior faculty, post-docs, and students through positive interactions with peers and more established faculty;
Establish new connections and collaborations;
Create a culture of support, growth, and welcoming in the logic in computer science and formal verification research community.
This will be the first Women's@FLoC networking dinner, and be held on Friday, August 05, 2022,
at 7 PM at the restaurant Isabella (Address: Mahanayim St 8, Haifa) – which is in the "Carmel center",
and it is close to some of the hotels suggested by FLoC.
Unfortunately the registration is closed, we already reached our limit of free registrations. If you are interested put your name in the waiting list and we will try to have some extra space.
The event is generously supported by Microsoft and organized in collaboration with The Women in Logic Workshop (WiL2022)
and Premium - FLoC Production Company.