Venues of FLoC
FLoC Conferences and Workshops will take place at Technion Campus, The main FLoC venue.
The lecture halls will be located at buildings: Taub, Amado-Segoe, Ullmann, Churchill.
The lecture halls are located at a 5-10 minute walk from each other and from the Technion Dorms.
Exact rooms location for each conference/workshop is updated on EasyChair.
Lunches will be held in Taub hall and in The Grand Water Research Institute.
The distribution of conferences according to the location of lunch will be updated closer to the event on Easychair.
FLoC Reception and Workshop dinner will also take place at Technion Campus.
Aug 1 / Aug 11 - Workshop dinner - will take place at Taub Terrace Floor 2
Aug 2 - FLoC Reception - will take place at Churchill
Aug 7- FLoC Reception - will take place at Taub
FLoC Banquet dinner will take place at Bikta Bayar- Beit Oren.