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Catuscia Palamidessi
Keynote - Tuesday, August 2nd at 11:10
Director of Research at INRIA
Talk Title: Information Structures for Privacy and Fairness
Abstract and Brief Bio:
Don Knuth
CP invited speaker - Wednesday, August 3rd at 09:00
The Art of Computer Programming at Stanford University
Talk Title: All Questions Answered
Abstract and Brief Bio:
Orna Kupferman
Plenary - Thursday, August 4th at 16:00
School of Computer Science and Engineering at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Talk Title: Complexity Measures for Reactive Systems
Abstract and Brief Bio:
Ziyad Hanna
Keynote - Sunday, August 7th at 11:10
Corporate Vice President at Cadence Design Systems and Visiting Professor at The University of Oxford
Talk Title: Harnessing the Power of Formal Verification for the $Trillion Chip Design Industry
Abstract and Brief Bio:
Aarti Gupta
Plenary - Tuesday, August 9th at 16:30
Department of Computer Science at Princeton University
Talk Title: SMT-based Verification of Distributed Network Control Planes
Abstract and Brief Bio:
Plenary and Keynote Talks
FLoC is pleased to present:

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